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Leadership Lowdown | Steven A. Morgan - The Power of Community

Leadership Lowdown
August 8, 2023 2:00 PM

MAP 1Vic Verchereau welcomes Steven A. Morgan, who is the founder of Maximum Athletic Performance.

He is the latest guest for six segments with Vic Verchereau on Leadership Lowdown.

Steven shares a message of lead by example, well-rounded, work hard, taking opportunities, and community; hear what he discusses with Vic!

Steven A. Morgan is a career strength and conditioning coach whose experience spans three decades and five continents! Division One, Olympic, and professional athletes have been sprinkled in along his career path, but Mr. Morgan truly has a passion for working with tactical athletes. Starting in Kuwait, he partnered with the US Marine Corps and co-authored the Semper-Fi instructor manual. Shortly afterwards, United Arab Emirates Land Forces contracted him to develop a stringent testing criteria and environmentally specific training program for their soldiers.

He has also worked with Elite Guard Forces in Saudi Arabia and British SAS in Cyprus conducting field testing and training. Recently, Mr. Morgan has spent the past three years working at Ft. Carson with the 4th Infantry Division as a subject matter expert focusing on combat readiness and injury prevention.

Vic Verchereau asked him to share his story and the way he pours into others in his effort to give back!  What a story and what a journey!  Turn up this edition of the Leadership Lowdown.

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  • Steve Morgan 1
  • MAP 1

Leadership Lowdown, hosted by Vic Verchereau, provides positive and practical principles for leaders who want to multiply their influence and take their team to the next level of effectiveness.

9:00 AM every Tuesday
Replay: 3:00 PM, 9:00 PM, 3:00 AM