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2016 Spring Michigan Future Business Index Survey

Michigan Business Network
May 10, 2016 2:20 PM

We know your time is a precious commodity. That's why we've retooled the Michigan Future Business Index to take up less of your time, yet still provide the data needed to help us (and you) keep a finger on the pulse of the business community in Michigan. 
Here are some reasons why taking this survey is beneficial to you:

1. It's Short! It's less than 10 minutes. Your coffee will still be hot by the time you finish it! We promise!

2. You'll get to SEE the results! These results are integral to your business. Having this information will give your business a leg up on the competition because you'll already have insight into the strength and weaknesses of our small business community.

3. Not only will you get to see the results this June, but you'll get the first peek at them. Before everyone else!

4. After you take the survey you'll have instant access to helpful articles and info to help you overcome pressing business challenges. And who doesn't love a little instant gratification?

5. And if all that information isn't enough to entice you, there is always that sweet feeling of knowing you are being entered into a drawing to win one of two prizes:

A Getaway for Two to Treetops Resort 
Two $250 vouchers from Fly Lansing (now flying straight to DC!).

Please, if you can spare any 10 minutes in your workday, click the link below and be a part of the states largest economic survey! We can't wait to hear from you!


Michigan Business Network is an online broadcasting company that provides knowledge, news, and insights into Michigan’s businesses, industries, and economy.