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The shift in the new generation and what they value

Association Impact
December 13, 2016 3:00 PM


Cheryl Ronk talks with with Jennifer Maxson, Practice Group Leader at Varnum Consulting of Grand Rapids about the shift in the new generation and what they value compared to what older generations value and how this impacts leadership.  This is a motivating and informative segment.

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Donna Oser, CAE hosts Association Impact, which looks into what some of Michigan’s top professional and industry groups are doing to make a positive impact for their members and for the state of Michigan. As part of MSAE, Association Impact works with all associations in Michigan.

9:00 AM every Thursday
Replay: 3:00 PM, 9:00 PM, 3:00 AM. Also a big thank-you to 2011-2018 original host Cheryl Ronk, CMP CAE and check out the 2015-2018 blogs for her MSAE content, and her successor before Donna, Taylor Benavente!