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Michigan Celebrates Small Business | Functional Fluidics

Michigan Celebrates Small Business
May 23, 2024 6:00 PM


MCSB 2024 Michigan 50 Companies To Watch Awardee, Functional Fluidics

In a lead-up to the 2024 Michigan Celebrates Small Business Gala Celebration, Jeffrey Mosher spoke with several winning companies from this cycle. This year’s gala took place at the Breslin Center in East Lansing, MI, on May 21st! For more details please visit michigancelebrates.org/.

Here, Jeffrey Mosher speaks with Patrick Hines, MD, Founder and CEO, of Functional Fluidics, Detroit, MI, a 2024 Michigan 50 Companies To Watch Awardee winner for this year's cycle of Michigan Celebrates Small Business. Michigan Celebrates Small Business is marking its twentieth year.

To listen to their full interview please click on the embedded SoundCloud PodCast shared below!

About Functional Fluidics:

In Healthcare today, there is a tremendous need for well-validated biomarkers to objectively monitor red blood cell health. At Functional Fluidics our red blood cell function biomarkers support these evolving needs.

Functional Fluidics is a high complexity CLIA-certified diagnostic lab. Our mission is to be the gold standard in red blood cell health starting with Sickle Cell Disease.

Our suite of assays is currently offered nationally to clinical providers, pharmaceutical, academic and biotech partners to support drug development and patient care.


Learn More

Functional Fluidics provides Contract Research Services to pharmaceutical, BioTech and Academic Research companies. We are well-positioned to address the needs of clients with large-scale validation studies and to provide insights into the individual patient-level response critical for development of personalized medical applications.

Our suite of proprietary cell function assays can help validate assumptions or support clinical claims. If your organization is in the Pre-Clinical, Clinical or Post-Marketing research stage, you can benefit from our biomarkers and our expertise in defining Red Blood Cell Health.

Functional Fluidics offers Send Out Testing services to Clinical Providers. The test data is then used for patient monitoring as a clinical support tool.

Healthcare providers partner with Functional Fluidics to gain access to well-validated biomarkers to objectively assess the impact on red blood cell health, and ultimately their patients’ health.

About Michigan Celebrates Small Business (MCSB) - Since 2004 remains on the forefront of championing small business and fostering the entrepreneurial spirit in Michigan. The MCSB’s role is to serve as a catalyst for creating an entrepreneurial culture while inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs. The mission of MCSB is to honor and recognize Michigan’s small business people and those champions and advocates that support them. MCSB brings together the resources of collaborative partners and supporters so that they may raise the profile of small businesses in Michigan, build a network of entrepreneurial companies, and tell the stories of successful, growing Michigan entrepreneurs. 

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Michigan Celebrates Small Business (MCSB) remains on the forefront of championing small business and fostering the entrepreneurial spirit in Michigan. The MCSB's role is to serve as a catalyst for creating an entrepreneurial culture while inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs.