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MHA | Michigan Hospitals Fill 61,000 Jobs in 2023

Michigan Business Network
June 4, 2024 8:00 AM

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Healthcare Remains the Largest Private-Sector Employer in Michigan 

LANSING, Mich. — The Michigan Health & Hospital Association (MHA) published results from their second annual Michigan hospital workforce survey that shows hospital recruitment, retention and training efforts in 2023 helped fill 61,000 total positions in 2023, reducing job vacancies by 29% to a total of 19,000 statewide. More than 13,000 nurses were hired during that time, decreasing the number of nursing vacancies by 44%. The survey includes responses from more than 95% of all Michigan acute-care inpatient hospitals.

Nearly all job categories in the survey experienced double-digit percentage decreases in vacancies year-over-year. Hospitals successfully reduced vacancies in the following job categories: 

  • Nursing – 44% decrease
  • Operations – 43% decrease
  • Behavioral health – 42% decrease
  • Administration – 34% decrease
  • Clinical assistants – 28% decrease 
  • Pharmacists – 26% decrease
  • Technicians – 25% decrease

Amidst a national nursing shortage, the results show Michigan hospitals are outperforming national nurse retention rates. The registered nurse (RN) turnover rate for Michigan hospitals is 3.7 percentage points lower than the national average of 18.4%. Examples of how Michigan hospitals are retaining and recruiting nurses include offering better and faster pay, improved benefits and employee support, and expanding educational opportunities for students to consider a nursing career. State funding obtained through Public Act 9 of 2022 and Public Act 5 of 2023 contributed to these efforts and have directly benefitted at least 69,000 healthcare workers.

To complement the efforts of individual hospitals, the MHA launched the statewide MI Hospital Careers public awareness campaign in 2023 targeting students and professionals considering a career change to express the value of healthcare careers. The MHA also engaged in efforts that ultimately led to four-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs at community colleges, expansion of the Michigan Reconnect program to allow funds to support Michiganders accessing healthcare credentials for technician and nursing careers, and new state law that increases the penalties for individuals who commit acts of violence against healthcare workers.

Michigan hospitals remain focused on solutions that build the healthcare workforce that patients need now, and in the future, to fill the remaining 19,000 open hospital positions, including 4,700 in nursing.

These efforts will strengthen healthcare in Michigan, which remains the state’s largest employer of direct, private-sector jobs according to 2024 Economic Impact of Healthcare in Michigan data. More than one million jobs in Michigan were directly or indirectly related to or induced by healthcare in fiscal year 2022, the most recent data available. Hospitals collectively employ 217,000 full- and part-time employees, remaining one of the largest employers in many Michigan communities. In addition, direct healthcare workers in Michigan earned nearly $47 billion in wages, salaries and benefits.

“Retaining and growing the workforce is a top priority shared by hospitals throughout the state,” said Michigan Health & Hospital Association CEO Brian Peters. “We’re extremely encouraged by the data demonstrating the success of hospitals over the past year in increasing the talent pipeline to care for patients and strengthening the healthcare workforce. Hospitals provide Michigan communities with good jobs that help drive our state’s economy and keep residents healthy.” 

The 19th edition of The Economic Impact of Healthcare in Michigan was compiled using IMPLAN® cloud software to quantify healthcare’s significant economic impact in the state. The data represents direct, indirect and induced healthcare jobs; taxes paid by those workers and their employers; and salaries, wages and benefits earned. The report is an online, interactive tool that allows users to examine these economic impacts from a statewide perspective and by region, county or congressional district. It is available at www.economicimpact.org

[1] Indirect jobs are those created to support a larger employer or industry (for example, a laundry that cleans linens for a hospital).

[2] Induced jobs are those created by the spending of people who work in the indirect jobs (for example, a restaurant waiter who serves the laundry workers).

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About the MHA
Based in Greater Lansing, the MHA is the statewide leader representing all community hospitals in Michigan. Established in 1919, the MHA represents the interests of its member hospitals and health systems in both the legislative and regulatory arenas on key issues and supports their efforts to provide quality, cost-effective and accessible care. The MHA’s mission is to advance the health of individuals and communities.


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