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LEO | September is National Workforce Development Month!

Michigan Business Network
September 19, 2023 11:00 AM

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The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, Workforce Development team provides training opportunities to prepare Michigan job seekers for rewarding, in-demand careers.

From traditional adult education programs to apprenticeships and short-term training, you're sure to find a program that's right for you! Explore the programs available to help you prepare for and find a job at Michigan.gov/Workforce.

You can also find vocational rehabilitation resources through the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons and Michigan Rehabilitation Services that help individuals with disabilities achieve their career goals. Learn more about the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons at Michigan.gov/BSBP and about Michigan Rehabilitation Services at Michigan.gov/MRS.

Find your dream career with Career Explorer!

Career Explorer can help you get from where you are to where you want to be.

The tool, available through your free Pure Michigan Talent Connect (MiTalent.org) job seeker account, uses your work and education history to suggest personalized training recommendations.

Don’t wait another day to start your dream career.

Get started at MiTalent.org!

Partnership brings STEM career opportunities to individuals with disabilities

Michigan Rehabilitation Services and Michigan State University are teaming up to create new pathways for individuals with disabilities! 

STEMM-Up helps individuals with disabilities, particularly those from underrepresented racial groups, pursue high-demand careers in science, technology, education, math, and medicine.

Learn more at Stemmup.org.

UIA 6 steps to apply for and understand your benefits

Filing for UIA benefits just got easier!

Understanding how to file for unemployment just got much easier with the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency's new Claimant Roadmap.

The six clear, easy-to-follow steps explain how to apply for and maintain your jobless benefits.

Coaching sessions are also available Tuesdays through Fridays for first-time filers to help answer their questions. 

Want more from your career? Visit Michigan Works!

Michigan Works! means more skills, more opportunities, and more money!

Whether you’re a first-time job seeker, switching careers, looking to gain new skills to advance in your career, a veteran, or a justice-involved individual, Michigan Works! can help you find what you’re looking for — their job is to find you the best job!

Michigan Works! offers a wide range of free support services to help you get a better job with better pay. 

  • Career development coaches who offer personalized, one-on-one support.
  • Help with career exploration, resume writing, and interview practice.
  • Connections to funding for additional education and job training.
  • Computers, printers, and high-speed internet are available.

They may even be able to help you find childcare and transportation! 

If you're ready for more, go to Michigan.gov/MichiganWorks to get started.

Adult Education moves people forward

Did you know, that adults without a high school diploma are twice as likely to be unemployed, three times as likely to live in poverty, and four times as likely to be in poor health?

Adult Education and family literacy programs prepare youth, families, and adults to have the academic, technical, literacy, and employability skills to participate fully in their communities and careers. 

Michigan has more than 100 free and low-cost Adult Education programs that meet families and learners where they are. Find a program near you at Michigan.gov/LearnMoreEarnMore.


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Schedule an in-person, phone or virtual meetingat Michigan.gov/UIA

1-866-500-0017During regularbusiness hours

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Michigan Business Network is an online broadcasting company that provides knowledge, news, and insights into Michigan’s businesses, industries, and economy.