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Choose LansingTM To Host Annual Meeting Feb. 27

Michigan Business Network
February 20, 2024 3:00 PM


Reports state of local hospitality industry and glimpse into 2024 initiatives 

LANSING, MICH. – Feb. 20, 2024 

WHO:  Choose LansingTM staff, Board of Directors, as well as area hospitality industry staff and other regional community leaders.

WHAT:  Executive leadership of Choose Lansing TM will share the state of the hospitality industry and 2023 local visitor economic impact. It will also celebrate the CTA Star of the Year and share a look into 2024 initiatives.

WHERE: Breslin Student Events Center

534 Birch Rd.

Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI 48824

WHEN:  Tuesday, February 27, 2024 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

WHY:  To learn first-hand how the Greater Lansing hospitality and tourism industry helped shape the region’s economy in 2023.

Register to attend the annual meeting: https://lansing.simpleviewcrm.com/webapi/rsvp/v2/index.cfm/?action=details&noredirect=1&eventId=1122

About Choose LansingTM
The vision of Choose LansingTM is to inspire everyone to celebrate and love Greater Lansing as much as we do! Which goes hand in hand with our mission, to positively impact our community’s quality of life by developing the region as a visitor destination. Learn more at www.lansing.org.


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Michigan Business Network is an online broadcasting company that provides knowledge, news, and insights into Michigan’s businesses, industries, and economy.