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Convergence Networks | Fraud Prevention Month and ChatGPT Security Concerns

Michigan Business Network
March 20, 2023 6:00 PM


March is Fraud Prevention Month! Although they're continuously changing tactics to try and stay ahead of their victims, most criminals use similar tools and tactics to steal your information. Here are three tactics you should know:

  1. Display Name Spoofing - When an attacker creates an email account using a first and last name (display name) to convince you that you are communicating with a legitimate company or person. If you are unsure someone is who they say they are, either call the contact or start a new message (instead of just pressing "reply").  
  2. Pretexting -  A form of social engineering where an attacker pretends to be a person of authority to try and convince you to give up valuable information. A good example of this was when the Milwaukee Bucks mistakenly released the financial documents of their players via email. Beware that it can happen to anyone and stay vigilant when sharing important information. 
  3. Impersonation - In cases such as business email compromise, fraudsters study emails and interactions between employees so they can better impersonate someone. Never trust a message is from who the sender says they are, always do additional research, talk to the sender in person, or ask them questions only the real person would know.

To learn more about Fraud Prevention Month visit the website here. If you believe you have come across a scam or a fraud incident - report it! 

How to Report Fraud in Canada 

How to Report Fraud in the United States

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