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CAMW! MVP: Eaton Regional Education Service Agency

Michigan Business Beat
February 26, 2019 11:00 AM


Featured guest on this segment of Michigan Business Beat is Heather Algrim, a Career Pathway Specialist the for Eaton Regional Education Service Agency in Charlotte, MI. Capital Area Michigan Works! selected Eaton Regional Education Service Agency for their MVP of the Month!

In partnership with T3: Teach. Talent. Thrive,  Capital Area Michigan Works! and a host of regional partners, MiCareerQuest Capital Area is bringing 5,000 students together for hands-on career exploration.

Coming up on  April 26th is the MiCareerQuest Capital Area at the Lansing Center. This is an employer-driven, student-focused event which  is not your typical career fair. It’s a hands-on career exploration event for middle and high school students. During this unique experience, students will find out what it’s like to be a nuclear machinist, mechanical engineer, agri-scientist, network technician and more by interacting with professionals who do these jobs every day here in the capital region.

Employers will be grouped into four quadrants to be showcased at the event.
1. Health Sciences and Human Service 
2. Business, Information Technology, Arts and Communications
3. Natural Resources and Agriscience
4. College, University, Education and Training Providers

As the liaison for the Natural Resources and Agriscience quadrant, Heather works with a wide variety of environmental and animal-related industries including farming, solar power, food and dairy testing, recycling, environmental protections, veterinarian science, landscaping, parks and recreation, turf management, and many other great fields.

As a Quadrant Liaison, Heather works with local businesses to help guide and develop engaging, hands-on activities for the event. They are looking for employers to engage with local students by showcasing the most exciting parts of their work and getting youth thinking about careers early on. Career exploration helps steer students toward high-demand career fields they may never have otherwise been aware of, planting the seed to develop a vibrant next generation of workers. Employers also see what engages the students so they can gear future recruitment strategies with their feedback in mind.

The Capital Area has much to offer, and through events like this, our youth gain exposure to opportunities right here in our community.

There is no cost to exhibit at MiCareerQuest Capital Area 2019.
To register visit our EventBrite: bit.ly/MCQCA_Exhibitor 
To learn more about MiCareerQuest Capital Area, visit www.micareerquestca.org

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Michigan Business Beat, hosted by Chris Holman, discusses economic development, new or unusual entrepreneurial initiatives, and successful business practices from different regions and industries around Michigan with a wide range of entrepreneurs and business leaders.

8:00 AM every Monday through Friday
Replay: 8:00 AM, 2:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 2:00 AM The music for 'Michigan Business Beat' is graciously shared use of Phil Denny's "Traffic Jam" off his 2012 CD 'Crossover'

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